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ACANTHOLIMON - (Plumbaginaceae) Acantholimons, or prickly thrifts, form dense cushions of spiny sharp-tipped leaves and attractive bloom stalks with lovely pink or white flowers followed by attractive everlasting bracts. All are very heat and drought tolerant once established.
A. halophylum - Compact mounds of needle-like, blue-green foliage and spikes of white to light pink flowers in spring. 4"(7") x 10"  Sun  $code A*  (Photo)

AETHIONEMA –  (Brassicaceae)  A very useful group of Mediterranean plants particularly well suited for sunny walls and crevices.  Most have glaucous foliage and racemes of pink flowers.
A. pulchellum (grandiflorum) NEW An attractive species forming mounds of blue-green foliage and stems of nice pink flowers in spring.  Turkey  4"(6") x 8"  Sun  $code A* (Photo)
A. schistosum -  Neat mounds of glaucous blue foliage covered in spring with stems of aromatic pink flowers followed by decorative seed heads.  Turkey  4”(5”) x 8”  Sun  $code A  (Photo)

ALLIUM - (Amaryllidaceae) A very large genus containing a wide variety of plants including the onion, garlic, chives, scallion, shallot and the leek. A vast majority of the species occur in temperate climates in the northern hemisphere and all produce flowers in the form of an umbel on top of a leafless stalk. With so many species to choose from, there is an Allium to suite every situation and flowering season.
A. cyaneum
- A delightful miniature forming tidy clumps of grassy foliage and nice cobalt-blue flowers in mid to late summer. China 5" x 4" Sun, Part Shade $code A (Photo)

A. 'Millenium' -  An outstanding selection voted by the Perennial Plant Association as Plant of the Year in 2018. 15" x 20"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo)
A. senescens glaucum  - A very nice dwarf form with swirling silver-gray foliage and short stems of light pink flowers.  Europe to Siberia  2”(5”) x 5”  Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo)
A. togashii - A very nice dwarf species, forming clumps of grassy foliage in spring producing attractive pale pink flowers in late summer.  Japan  4"(6") x 4"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A

ALOINANTHUS - (Aizoaceae)  This newly created 'Genus' contains complex hybrids between the South African species of Aloinopsis and Nananthus and have been selected for their unique flower colors.  They are not reliably hardy here in zone 5 but will survive some winters in warmer microclimates.  They are best planted among rocks with a southern exposure.
Aloinanthus Hybrids (Unnamed) - These are year old plants grown from seed taken from some of my greenhouse plants that were hand pollinated. Most have not yet flowered so the colors may vary from typical pink or yellow to a range of spectacular color combinations. The surprise will be yours.  2" x 4"  Sun, Xeric  $code A (Photo)

ALOINOPSIS - (Aizoaceae)  An outstanding  group of succulent plants from South Africa.  All form caespitose clumps of thick succulent leaves and produce spectacular floral displays from yellow to various shades of red and magenta.  The rosettes of leaves sit atop a large carrot-like root that must be protected from excessive moisture.  This can often be accomplished by planting in rock crevices or walls.  These plants are not reliably hardy in zone 5 but will survive some winters in warm microclimates.
A. acuta - Very tight clumps of relatively small succulent leaves and nice yellow flowers.  2" x 4" Sun, Xeric $code A*  (Photo)
Hybrids (Unnamed) - These are year old plants grown from seed taken from some of my greenhouse plants that were hand pollinated. Most have not yet flowered so the colors may vary from typical pink or yellow to a range of spectacular color combinations. The surprise will be yours.  2" x 4"  Sun, Xeric  $code A (Photo)

AMSONIA - (Apocynaceae) A small group of perennial herbs native to North America and Eastern Asia.  The tall stems are covered with attractive narrow foliage and clusters of star-shaped flowers are produced at the apex of each stem.  Most are quite drought tolerant and of easy culture.  
A. peeblesii -  Numerous stems of narrow green leaves and apical clusters of blue buds that open into attractive white flowers.  Coconino Co., AZ  12" x 10"  Sun  $code A (Photo)

ANTENNARIA aromatica - (Asteraceae)  One of the best species in the genus, forming attractive spreading cushions of felted, whitish-green, aromatic rosettes and small, white flower buttons. Found on steep, west-facing granite screes. Carbon Co., MT  1.5"(2") x6"  Sun  $code A* (Photo)

(Ranunculaceae)  Columbines are an ever popular group of plants with a species to fit almost every taste and location.  In general, there are two types: the taller species of the meadow and woodland and the dwarf species from drylands and alpine screes.
A. desertorum-  Beautiful species with attractive blue green foliage adorned with numerous red and yellow flowers produced throughout the summer. Higher elevations in AZ & NM  12"(18") x 15"  Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)
A. grahamii -  A relatively rare species found growing in rock crevices. Attractive mounds of green foliage and attractive red and yellow flowers. UT  8"(10") x 8"  Sun, Part Shade, Crevices  $code A* (Photo)   

ARENARIA  -  (Caryophyllaceae)  Often referred to as ’Sandworts’,  this genus contains numerous dwarf, drought tolerant species that form attractive buns or mats of spiny congested foliage.  Most are small and are best suited to troughs or small rock gardens.
A. 'Wallowa Mountain' - An excellent groundcover with very short and compact bright green foliage that resembles moss yet is very drought-tolerant. Superb for xeric and fairy gardens, permanent containers, and between paving stones in paths and on patios. A Plant Select® Introduction for 2015. 1" x 24"  Sun, Part Shade, Xeric  $code A*  (Photo)

ARCTOTIS adpressa - (Asteraceae)  Rosettes of succulent, iridescent silver foliage adorned in early spring with 3” white daisies with peach and maroon reverses.  This gem thrives in ordinary garden conditions and forms spectacular 12” to 15” mats.  A beautiful foliage plant when not in flower.  Very cold hardy but does not do well in hot dry situations.  South Africa  2”(5”) x 12”   Sun, Part Shade   $code A (Photo)

ASTRAGALUS - (Fabaceae)  This genus has some of the showiest flowers in the pea family, combined with attractive foliage cushions and interesting seed pods.  Most are very tough and can withstand poor soil, full sun and xeric conditions.

A. amphioxys 'San Felipe'- A gorgeous species found growing near the San Felipe Indian Pueblo south of  Santa Fe, NM.  The large pads of attractive silver foliage are covered with large dark pink flowers in early spring.  Outstanding!  4" x 10"  Sun, Xeric  $code A (Photo) 
A. calycosus v. calycosus  - RENEW  Dense cushions of silvery blue pinnate foliage and nice racemes of lavender-pink and white flowers.  White Mtns., Mono Co., CA  1”(2”) x 3”  Sun, Alpine  $code A* (Photo)

A. mollissimus v. thompsoniae -  RENEW Very attractive clumps of long silver pinnate foliage and short stalks of purple flowers.  The flowers are followed by white fuzzy seed pods. San Juan Co., UT  3”(7”) x 9”  Sun, Xeric  $code A (Photo)

A. piutensis - NEW Clumps of attractive silver foliage and large purple flowers on very short stems. Sevier Co., UT 2"(3") x 4" Sun,Xeric,Trough $code A* (Photo)


AUBRETIA gracilis - (Brassicaceae)  An excellent species that is both compact and free-flowering.  In spring the mat is covered with blue-purple flowers and  the foliage remains as an attractive foliage specimen after flowering.  Choice!  Greece, Albania  4” x 18”  Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo)


BERGERANTHUS  -  (Aizoaceae)  A small genus of succulent plants native to South Africa.  A number of the species grow at high elevation and have proven to be quite cold hardy.

B. jamesii -  A very hardy South African succulent with attractive dark green clumps of three-sided leaves and large yellow flowers with many narrow petals. 
 2” x 5”  Sun, Xeric  $code  A  (Photo)

B. jamesii v. albiflora - This is a white-flowered form of the species.  2" x 5"  Sun, Xeric  $code A (Photo)

BUKINICZIA cabulica -
Blue-green rosettes with unusual mottled leaves.  Outstanding foliage plant with pink flowers the second year.  Reseeds nicely.  Pakistan  1"(6") x 6"  Sun, Biennial   $code A (Photo) 




CAMPANULA - (Campanulaceae) The bellflowers are numerous and varied, providing species for a variety of settings and exposures. Some of the species are particularly useful as wall plants and will flourish in the tiniest crevice. They are generally easy to cultivate and will provide good color throughout the growing season.
C. choruhensis -  RENEW An outstanding dwarf Turkish Campanula forming small clumps of green topped in summer with pink-tinged flower buds that open into huge white starfish flowers. Outstanding!  2” (3”) x 4”  Sun  $code - A*  (Photo)
C. topaliana - RENEW A ground hugging mat of pubescent, gray-green leaves studded with light blue flowers from early summer to frost. Makes a spectacular wall plant with stems clasping the rocks like a giant spider.  2” x 8”  Sun, Crevice/Wall  $code A  (Photo)
C. trogerae -  RENEW One of the best! Nice clumps of gray-green leaves and beautiful 2"-3" white flowers with exerted pistils.  Turkey  3"(4") x 6"  Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)


CLEMATIS - (Ranunculaceae)  This large group of vines and shrubby plants is found growing in temperate regions throughout the world and has been frequently hybridized to produce a variety of brightly colored cultivars.  The shrubby non-vining species and cultivars are good choices for the rockery or rock garden.

C. integrifolia 'Psarlan' (MONGOLIAN BELLS® Clematis) -  RENEW This compact, almost ground-covering race of Clematis integrifolia blooms from spring to fall, with nodding, leathery, four-parted flowers in blue, lavender, pink and pure white. It appears to have greater drought tolerance than typical clematis. A Plant Select® Introduction for 2008.  12” x 14’  Sun, Part Shade  $code A* (Photo)


CORYPHANTHA - (Cactaceae)  A large genus of small, ball-shaped cacti found growing from British Columbia and southern Canada, throughout the United States and into southern Mexico.  They generally have attractive spination and often large showy flowers.  A number of species, including those listed below, have demonstrated excellent cold tolerance and make excellent rock garden subjects as well as useful trough plants.

C. sheerii - A very attractive ball cactus with large, blue-green tubercles armed with 6-8 stout straw-colored radial spines and one central. Large yellow flowers with red centers are produced from the apex sporadically through the summer.  Arizona 5" x 5" Sun $code **  (Photo)

CYRTANTHUS breviflorus - (Amaryllidaceae) A robust form from the Drakensburg Mountains in South Africa, with strap-like leaves emerging in spring followed by attractive yellow flowers. The bulbs have proven hardy here through sub-zero winter temperatures growing in full sun in irrigated rock garden conditions. Planting next to or within the foliage of other plants to provide some cover in winter has proven to be most successful.  South Africa  8" x 4"  Sun  $code A (Photo)

DAPHNE  -  (Thymelaceae)  A genus of evergreen flowering shrubs that contains some of the most desirable plants for the rock garden.  They are notoriously difficult to produce and do not thrive in pots.  Small plants transplant more reliably, so purchasing more expensive large plants is usually a mistake.  Always plant in well drained soil in full or part shade.  Once established, they are quite drought tolerant so do not over water.  All of our plants have been grown using the biological fungicide Rootshield to help protect the roots from fungal attack.
D. arbuscula v. radicans - Dwarf shrubs of dark green foliage and very attractive light pink flowers. 3" x 8"  Sun, Part Shade $code A** (Photo)

D. cneorum ’Carlile’ -  This plant appeared in my garden and is likely a hybrid between D. cneorum and D. juliae. Nice compact growth and prolific flowering. 6" x 15"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A** (Photo)

D. x napolitana ‘Bramdean’ -  This cross (D. collina of gardens x D. cneorum v. pygmaea) forms a low, evergreen mound of light green, glossy leaves adorned with terminal clusters of rose-pink fragrant flowers.  8” x 12”  Sun, Part Shade  $code A** (Photo)

 D. x schlyteri 'Money-Coutts' - One of the most reliable dwarf cultivars originally grown by Money-Coutts Nursery.  This outstanding cultivar forms dense mounds of narrow, dark green foliage and deep pink-purple flowers produced  in spring and again in fall.  A real winner!  6” x 12”  Sun, Part Shade  $code A** (Photo)  

DELOSPERMA - (Aizoaceae) A large genus of succulent plants native to South Africa. Most are not winter-hardy but there are high altitude species that will thrive in cold climates. A number of these species have been introduced into cultivation by our good friend Panayoti Kelaidis of the Denver Botanic Gardens. They all have beautiful flowers and interesting succulent foliage.

D. 'Alan's Apricot' PPAF (Alan's Apricot ice plant) - A superior form with large 2" flowers covering the foliage nearly all summer long. Flower color changes seasonally from a true orangey-apricot to soft orangey-pink. Brought to Plant Select® by Alan Tower, Spokane, WA. The hardiest and longest-blooming of the Plant Select®  ice plants. A Plant Select® Introduction for 2016. 1"(2") x 18"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A*(Photo)
D. ‘Beaufort West’ - Collected in the Great Karoo of South Africa near the town of Beaufort West, this little gem produces tight mounds of green succulent foliage adorned in spring and summer with sessile bright pink flowers.  1.5” x 5”  Sun  $code A  (Photo)

D. carterae 'Carlile Pink' -  A cute little species with light green succulent foliage and delicate light pink flowers with dark pink centers. This plant appeared in the garden and it’s origin is unknown. 2" x 8" Sun  $code A  (Photo)
D. GRANITA® Orange Ice Plant -  This high performing new ice plant, like it's kin GRANITA® Raspberry, closely hugs the ground, vigorously spreads and is densely covered with large flowers in varying shades of rusty orange. A. Plant Select Introduction for 2019.  1"(2")_ x 12"  Sun$code A*  (Photo)
D. GRANITA® Raspberry Ice Plant -  A beautiful and unique new ice plant discovered by John Stireman among hie planting of FIRE SPINNER™. A vigorous and floriferous plant with large, striking, iridescent raspberry flowers that are densely packed. A Plant Select® Introduction for 2018.  1"(2") x 12"  Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

D. 'PWWG02S' (RED MOUNTAIN® FLAME ice plant) - A new hybrid selection of South African ice plant with small succulent evergreen leaves and large blazing red-orange flowers in late spring and early summer. This tough, vigorous cold-hardy selection was made by David Salman of Waterwise Gardening.  A Plant Select® Introduction for 2016.  2" x 24"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A* (Photo)
D. 'P001S' (FIRE SPINNER® ice plant) -  This new introduction forms fast spreading carpets of green-apple foliage that keeps its shiny presence through winter.  The flowers are massed in spring, but reappear periodically through summer.  The purple and orange flowers represent a dramatic color breakthrough for the hardy ice plants.  A Plant Select® Introduction for 2012.  2" x 18"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A* (Photo)

D. sp. ‘Lesotho Pink’ -  An exciting new introduction first offered by High Country Gardens. Forms very compact mats of dark green, evergreen foliage covered from early to mid spring with large, deep pink flowers. Excellent cold hardiness.  Lesotho  1” x 18”  Sun, Part Shade  $code A*  (Photo)

DIANTHUS - (Caryophyllaceae) An indispensable group of plants that are easily grown and provide outstanding color and texture in the garden. There are all sizes and shapes but we are particularly fond of the smaller bun-forming species that fit well into the smaller rock garden or trough. No garden should be without them.

D. haematocalyx ssp. pindicola - RENEW Tight mats of condensed grey-green foliage covered with hot pink flowers. One of the most drought tolerant Dianthus species.  Macedonia 2" x 6"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A* (Photo)

D. tymphresteus - NEW Cushions of gray green foliage and short stems of attractive pink flowers with purple marking at the base of each petal.  Greece  3"(6") x 6"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A* (Photo)

DRABA - (Brassicaceae) A large group of bun forming plants with yellow or white crucifer flowers. With a few exceptions, all are easy to grow. They are among the earliest to flower, marking the beginning of early spring activity in the garden.
D. brunifolia ssp. olympica -NEW Dwarf cushions of hairy rosettes and very short scapes of nice yellow flowers.  Turkey  1”(1.5”) x 2”  Sun, Alpine  $code A (Photo)

D. imbricata  -  Buns of compact foliage adorned with scapes of bright yellow flowers. Caucasus  1”(2”) x 4”  Sun, Alpine  $code A*  (Photo)
D. polytricha - Compact mounds of hairy, gray-green foliage adorned with short stems of bright yellow flowers in early spring.  2" x 4" Sun  $code A  (Photo)

D. zapateri (syn. D. dedeana) -  Cushions of attractive , bright green, ciliated foliage and pure white flowers on short stems.  One of the best white flowering species.  Mountains of northern and eastern Spain  2"(3") x 5"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A  (Photo)

DRACOCEPHALUM - (LAMIACEA) A genus of  60 to 70 species native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Often referred to as dragonheads, they are generally not challenging to grow and many of the species make excellent rock garden subjects.

D. origanoides - RENEW Dwarf, compact cushions of small, crenate, gray-green foliage and stemless heads of blue-violet flowers. Tien-Shawn, Kyrgyzstan 2"(3") x 8" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

D. paulsenii -  Small prostrate mats of gray-green crenate foliage adorned with racemes of purple flowers. An outstanding species for troughs and crevice gardens.  Tajikistan, Koitezek Pass, Pamir  1"(2") x 6"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A* (Photo


EBRACTEOLA wilmaniae - (Aizoaceae)  An outstanding South African succulent forming compact highly branched rosettes of trigonus gray-green leaves.  The white to dark-pink flowers appear in early spring  and flowering continues sporadically throughout the growing season.  A slow growing mat will form with age.  This species has proven to be reliably winter hardy  for us.  North Cape Province, SA  2” x 4”  Sun  $code A*  (Photo)


ECHINOCEREUS - (Cactaceae) A large group of heavily-spined cacti often called ‘Hedgehog Cactus’. Within this genus are many of the most winter hardy cacti. Most have extremely large showy flowers that appear in early summer and all are easily grown if given full sun and well drained soil.

E. reichenbachii v. albispinus - Clumping barrels covered with dense white spines adorned with pale pink flowers.  3" x 2"  Sun, Xeric  $code A*  (Photo)
E. reichenbachii v. caespitosus -
  Single, mushroom-shaped stems with chalky-white radial spines and no centrals.  The large flowers are light pink with a white center.  Easy to grow and very hardy.  Kimble Co., TX  5" x 3"  Sun, Xeric  $code A*  (Photo)

ECHIUM amoenum (Red Feathers)- (Boraginaceae)  A compact, columnar borage from the Caucasus that looks for all purposes like a spring blooming Liatris that’s gone rusty. The dark reddish-brown flowers are attractive and the plant will re-bloom if deadheaded.  A Plant Select® Recommendation for 2010.   4”(10” ) x 4”  Sun, Part Shade   $code A*  (Photo)

EDRAIANTHUS - (Campanulaceae) A very useful and attractive group of Mediterranean plants with grass-like foliage and clusters of up-facing bell flowers. They thrive in sunny locations and are particularly effective in walls and crevices.

E. glisicii - RENEW Small mounds of linear green foliage and attractive, vert large, single flowers on short stems. SE Dinaric Alps, Montenegro 2"(4") x 4" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

E. horvatii - RENEW Small mounds of slender green foliage and attractive clusters of blue flowers on 2-3" stems. Slovenia 2"(4") x 4" Sun, Part Shade $code A (Photo)

E. pumilio - Mounds of slender, rigid, blue-green leaves covered in spring with caespitose, upward facing, blue bell flowers. Very showy and particularly well suited for walls and crevices.  2" x 6”  Sun, Part Shade  $code A  (Photo)

E. vesovicii - NEW Small mats of slender green foliage with stems light purple flowers 1"(4") x 4" Sun, Part Shade $code A (Photo)

ERIGERON - (Asteracea) A vast and variable race of composites many of which make good garden subjects. Most are easy to grow and can be used in a variety of garden situations from the open garden to walls and crevices.

E. compositus 'Railroad Ridge' - NEW A miniature form of this wide spread species with very compact, gray-green foliage and pink to lavender flowers on very short stems. 'Railroad Ridge', Idaho  1"(1.5") x 3"  Sun, Part Shade,Crevices  $code A (Photo)
E. compositus ‘Red Desert’ - This very dwarf form was found growing in rock crevices near Baggs, Wyoming. Very condensed foliage and white flowers on short stems. Great for walls and crevices!  1”(2”) x 6”  Sun  $code A  (Photo)
E. scopulinis - Dense mats of small, shiny dark green leaves and cute little white flowers on 1/2" stems in spring. Good for troughs and between rocks. 1"(1.5") x 12"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A  (Photo)

ERIOGONUM - (Polygonaceae) The ‘buckwheats’or ‘sulphur flowers’ are a dominant presence on the prairies and mountain screes of the West. They come in an amazing array of forms and colors, from tiny mat formers and mini-shrubs, to fantastic mounds of silver tomentose leaves that erupt into dense domes of ‘chicken wire’ covered with tiny flowers.
E. cespitosum -  A highly desirable species forming tight caespitose mats of gray-green tomentose leaves and short-stemmed pom-poms of white and pink flowers.  Requires xeric treatment.  1” x 5”  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)
E. kennedyi - RENEW Dense silvery cushions of tiny round leaves covered with white wool. the 1' poms of white flowers rise above the mats on short stems. Mono Co., CA 1"(3") x 6"  Sun, Xeric $code A* (Photo)
E. umbellatum v. aureum 'Psdowns' (KANNAH CREEK® Buckwheat) - An excellent garden plant that seems to be more moisture tolerant than most. The spreading green foliage changes to vivid purple-red in winter and masses of yellow flowers appear from May to July, turning orange as they age. Plant Select® Introduction for 2007. W. United States 8”(12”) x 20” Sun $code A* (Photo)
E. umbellatum v. humistratum 'Tahoe'  - A great form of variety, with even more condensed foliage and shorter spikes of yellow flowers. Develops into a magnificent specimen.  Lake Tahoe, CA  3"(5") x 8"  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)

ESCOBARIA  -  (Cactaceae)  A North American genus of solitary to clump-forming, globular cacti  with a number of reliably cold-hardy species.  The apical flowers appear in early summer.
E. sneedii v. leeii  -  Small clumps with short white spines and small salmon-pink flowers in early summer.  Very hardy and one of the best species for trough culture.  2" x 4"  Sun, Xeric, Trough  $code A*  (Photo)

E. vivipara - Globes of interwoven brown and white spines with dark brown tips. Attractive bright pink flowers. Pueblo Co., CO  3” x 3”  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)
E. vivipara v. buoflama  - Globes of densely interwoven white spines with dark brown tips. Attractive flowers that vary from yellow to peach to pink.  3” x 3”  Sun, Xeric  $code A*  (Photo)


GERANIUM dalmaticum (Dalmatian Pink Cranesbill) -
 A low-growing diminutive perennial with dainty cleft, aromatic glossy green leaves that turn red in the fall. The mats are covered with clear pink flowers from late spring to early summer. A Plant Select® Petites Recommendation for 2014. 4" x 10" Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo


GLOBULARIA tricosantha - (Plantanginaceae) NEW A very nice species with rosettes of large dark green leaves and attractive blue flowers on 4" stems. Really stands out in the garden. 1"(5") x 5" Sun, Part Shade $code A (Photo)

HESPERALOE parviflora (Red Yucca) - (Agavaceae) You will find this Agave relative in use extensively as a landscape plant in Phoenix, AZ and other mild climates, but it has proven perfectly hardy for us here in Colorado.  Absolutely no winter damage, so the plants develop into attractive specimens.  Produces tall spikes of beautiful coral-red flowers that last throughout the summer. A Plant Select® Recommendation for 201018”(36”) x 18”  Sun  $code A (Photo)

HETEROTHECA jonesii x villosa 'Goldhill' (Goldhill Golden-Aster) -  Tufted grey "scatter rugs" of fuzzy foliage make dense mounds in a sunny garden. The mounds are clothed with cheerful yellow daisies from late winter to fall. This natural hybrid combines the dense habit of its rare parent H. jonesii with the vigor of the more common H. villosa. 'Goldhill' is apparently sterile so won't seed around like its common parent. Prefers well drained soil. A Plant Select® Petites Introduction for 2015 3" x 8" Sun $code A* (Photo)

HEUCHERA - (Saxifragaceae)  A large genus of perennial herbs mostly from western North America.  The rhizomatous roots are covered with attractive tufts of  rounded-cordate foliage and the flowers are born on tall, slender stems.  There are a multitude of fancy hybrids on the market today, but the natives are better suited for the rock garden.  Most are quite drought tolerant.
H. abramsii -  A choice dwarf Heuchera from the San Gabriel Mountains of California. Attractive clumps of glossy green foliage adorned with clouds of nice light pink flowers.  3"(6") x 6"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A  (Photo)
H. pulchella (SANDIA CORALBELLS) -  Attractive mats of dark green foliage adorned with short spikes of pink to burgundy, hairy bells. A Plant Select® Petites Recommendation for 2013. Bernalillo Co., NM  3"(6") x 8"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A* (Photo)

HYMENOXYS - (Asteraceae)  A large genus of yellow-flowered composites found on the prairies and extending in range to the alpine tundra.  Most are too large and course for the rock garden but there are also some real gems that no garden should be without.
H. acaulis 'Las Vegas' - A dwarf form found near Las Vegas, NM with narrow silver foliage and yellow flowers on short stems.  San Miguel Co., NM  1"(2") x 3"  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)
H. torreyana - RENEW Mounds of wooly, silver-green leaves and large, sessile yellow daisies in early spring. Utah 3"(4") x 6" $code A* (Photo)

IRIS hookeri (Dwarf Beach-head Iris) - (Iridaceae)  Tidy clumps of attractive green foliage framing large, porcelain-blue flowers in late spring and early summer. One of North America's most beautiful native irises, and provides foliage and textural accent for small gardens. A Plant Select® Petites Recommendation for 2014. 4"(7") 7" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

JOVIBARBA heuffelii - (Crassulaceae)  Very similar to Sempervivums but unique in that they do not produce offsets on stolons but rather increase by the existing rosettes dividing.  They form tight clusters of colorful, durable rosettes that will grow in brighter situations and seem to be less prone to browsing by wildlife. The rosettes retain their attractive colors throughout the seasons.
J. heuffelii 'Gold Bug' -  Attractive green rosettes that turn golden-green in early spring.  2" x 1.5"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo)

J. heuffelii 'Hot Lips' -  Dark purplish-red leaves with green bases and silver edges.  2" x 2"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A  (Photo)

J. heuffelii 'Irene' -  Burgundy-red rosettes with light yellow-green at the base and on new leaves. 2" x 3" Sun, Part Shade $code A*(Photo)

J. heuffelii 'Mystique' -  Unusually short, wide, dark reddish-purple leaves forming medium sized rosettes. 2" x 3" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

J. heuffelii 'Orion' -  Soft gray-green leaves with a silver edges.  2" x 2"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo)

J. heuffelii 'Sylvan Memory' -  Dark reddish-purple leaves with a silver edge.  2" x 2"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo)

J. heyffelii 'Tan' -  Attractive bronze-red leaves with a touch of blue-green at the base. 2"x2" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

LESQUERELLA – (Brassicaceae) The members of this genus, often referred to as ‘bladder-pods’, form inflated, silvery-pubescent seed pods after flowering.  All flower early in spring when very little else is in flower.

L. ovalifolia - Compact mounds of silver-gray oval foliage and loose racemes of nice yellow flowers in early spring.  Pueblo Co., CO  2"(4") x 5"  Sun, Xeric  $code A  (Photo)

MATTHIOLA montana - (Brassicaceae) RENEW An attractive species from the mountains of Turkey. The compact mounds of long, gray-pubescent foliage are covered with abundant umbels of fragrent, yellow-eyed, lavender-pink flowers on stout 2" stems. Turkey 3"(5") x 6" Sun, Part Shade $code A (Photo)

OPUNTIA - (Cactaceae)  The second largest genus of cactus with the most extensive north-south distribution in the family.  The plants are composed of numerous jointed cylindrical stems or flat pads that are generally heavily armed with long spines that arise from a small circle of small spines called glochids.  In some cases, only the glochids are present.  Many of the species and cultivars produce spectacular floral displays and are very popular in xeriscape gardens.
O. debreczyi v. denuda 'Potato' - Globe-shaped, spherical stems with short glochids and occasional yellow flowers.  The stems turn shades of  purple in winter.  Ideal for rock gardens. Colorado Plateau into south-central Wyoming  3" x 12"  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)


ORIGANUM - (Lamiaceae) The ornamental oreganos are a terrific addition to any garden with their attractive foliage and wonderful everlasting shrimp-like bracts surrounding each flower providing color in the mid and late summer garden.

O. sipyleum - NEW A trailing herb forming loose mats of blue-green foliage stems with dark-pink hop-like bracts thriughout the summer months, turning brown and dry in Autumn. Looks best when cascading over rocks, or in a container or raised bed. 6" x 20" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

OXYTROPIS - (Fabaceae) A group of marvelous dry land plants, much like Astragalus, with pinnate leaves and heads of pea flowers. Most require xeric treatment and make excellent trough subjects.
O. oreophyla v. juniperina - RENEW Compact silver-white cushions adorned with small purple blossoms that transform into erect papery pods. Utah 2" x 5" Sun, Xeric $code A* (Photo)

O. prenja - Cushions of white lanate foliage and dark purple flower. This species has proven to be a reliable performer in troughs and in the garden. Mavrovo, Macedonia  3”(5") x 4”  Sun, Alpine  $code A* (Photo)

PEDIOCACTUS - (Cactaceae) A small genus of cacti from western North America containing 6 to 9 species (depending on your taxonomic philosophy) , many of which are endangered in habitat.
P. simpsonii - The most available of the Pediocactus species and also one of the easiest to grow in the garden. This variety produces a ring of attractive, dark pink flowers in early spring. Very cold hardy but does not do well where summers are hot and humid. 3" x 5"  Sun, Xeric  $code A**


PELARGONIUM - (Geraniaceae) A large group of annual and perennial herbs and shrubs native mostly to South Africa with two species in Turkey.  Only the Turkish species are cold hardy.

P. endlicherianum - RENEW An outstanding species from Turkey that  forms attractive mounds of dark green, aromatic, lobed foliage and produces scapes of deep rosy-lavender flowers for an extended period in spring. Performs well in rock gardens and dryland plantings but appreciates afternoon shade in hot climates. Turkey 6"(12") x 12" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

PENSTEMON - (Scrophulariaceae) From the American West, Penstemons are the work horses of the xeriscape or native garden, providing substance, shape and long-lasting color. They're also adored by hummingbirds and butterflies.

P. laricifolius v. laricifolius - RENEW A very floriferous species with grass-like green foliage and numerous stiff, thin flowering stems of pinkish-purple flowers. An excellent trough plant. Fremont CO., WY 2"(6") x 4"

Sun, Trough $code A* (Photo)
P. pseudospectabilis (Desert Beardtongue) -   A large species with dark green toothed leaves that clasp the base and become disk-like on the upper parts of the stem.  The flowers are glandular and pink to rose-pink.  A great plant for the large dry garden. A Plant Select® Recommendation for 2015.  Catron Co., NM  8"(20") x 10"  Sun, Xeric  $code A  (Photo)

P. uintahensis - RENEW Leathery rosettes of dark green linear-spatulate foliage and numerous short stems of very attractive sky-blue flowers. Large enough to be effective in the rock garden yet small enough to to use as the centerpiece in a partially shaded trough. Uintah Co., UT 2"(5") x 5" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)
P. wrightii - Glaucous foliage and tall stems of bright dark-pink flowers. Makes quite a statement in the late spring garden!  6”(24”) x 8”  Sun  $code A  (Photo) 

PTEROCEPHALUS depressus (Moroccan pincushion flower) - (Caprifoliaceae)  Attractive congested mats of  crinkled evergreen foliage and attractive, stemless, scabiosa-like mauve flowers.  The flowers are followed by fuzzy, fawn-brown seed heads. A Plant Select® Petites Recommendation for 2016.   Turkey  Sun  2” x 12”  $code A* (Photo)

- (Aizoaceae)  This genus of succulent plants is native to South Africa.  The plants form compact mounds of rosettes with sickle-shaped leaves that arise from thick tuberous roots.  A number of the species in this group have proven to be some of the most winter hardy of the South African succulents.  
R. albipuncta - One of the most winter hardy of the South African succulents,  forming hard pads of dark green triangular leaves that are covered in early spring with spectacular 1.5” glowing yellow flowers.  Easy to grow if given good drainage and full sun.  2” x 4”  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)


RHAMNUS pumila - (Rhamnaceae) RENEW An outstanding dwarf shrub for the rock garden with rock-hugging prostrate stems covered with attractive, shiny green foliage. The plants are dioecious and the insignificant, pale green flowers produce small round blue-black fruits on the female plant in early summer. Very slow growing. Central and Southern Europe 4" x 12" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)

ROSULARIA - (Crassulaceae ) A useful group of plants forming mounds of succulent rosettes of small leaves with interesting variations of color and texture. All perform well in a variety of settings, but are best displayed when planted among rocks or in crevices. In parts of the country where sunlight is intense, provide filtered shade at least during the afternoon and/or plant on an E to NE exposure.
R. muratdaghensis - Succulent mounds of light green rosettes tinged with red on the edges when grown in strong light. Nice cream flowers.  2"(4") x 6"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A  (Photo)  

- (Lamiaceae) Members of this group of 'sages' are very useful in providing color to the garden from late spring through summer and into fall.. The aromatic foliage provides interesting shape and texture and large tubular two-lipped flowers are produced in whorls along the tall flower spikes. Most require little water and are easily grown.
S. dorrii - Extremely aromatic silver foliage and glowing purple flowers. This ‘purple sage’ of the American West makes a very striking specimen in the xeric garden.  8"(12") x 12"  Sun, Xeric  $code A*  (Photo)

S. henryi - Gray-green pubescent foliage and flowering spikes of bright red flowers.  Native to the North American southwest, this salvia has proven to be hardy for us when planted among rocks and with a southern exposure.  Very nice.  8" x 8"  Sun  $code A (Photo) 

S. pachyphylla (Mojave Sage) - An exciting introduction from the mountains of California! This shrubby perennial is much like S. dorrii but larger in all aspects. The intensely aromatic, evergreen , silver-green leaves set off persistent mauve bracts surrounding small blue flowers. Flowering from June to frost. A Plant Select® Introduction for 2005. Spectacular!  30” x 30”  Sun  $code A* (Photo)
S. phlomoides -  An extremely attractive species from Morocco, forming rosettes of tomentose, gray-green foliage and impressive spires of purple flowers.  3”(8”) x 8”  Sun  $code A* (Photo)

SEDUM - (Crassulaceae) A large genus of succulent plants with an amazing variety of shapes and sizes. They perform well as groundcovers, crevice plants and the larger species make attractive individual specimens. The winter hardy species are tough and easy to grow and many are quite drought tolerant.
S. sediforme (TURQUOISE TAILS BLUE SEDUM) -  A robust and compact heirloom species native to the Mediterranean with succulent blue foliage and creamy-yellow flower.  A Plant Select® Introduction for 2013.  3”(6”) x 12”  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)

SILENE - (Caryophyllaceae) Summer -blooming plants for the sunny rock garden. The frequently notched or cut five-petaled flowers of white, pink or red are carried on short stems which arise from a fleshy root stalk.

S. lacineata -  Rosettes of light-green lanceolate leaves produce 14" flowering stems of starry red-orange flowers all summer.  4"(14") x 6"  Sun, Part Shade  $code A (Photo)

S. plankii - RENEW Attractive tufts of lanceolate, light green leaves and short stems of bright red-orange flowers. El Paso, Co., TX 2"(4") x 6" Sun, Part Shade $code A* (Photo)


STOMATIUM  -  (Aizoiceae)  An interesting genus of South African succulent plants  that form mats of variously textured and toothed foliage.  The narrow- petaled yellow flowers appear in late afternoon and evening.  They have proven to be remarkably cold hardy, performing well at least down to Zone 5.

S. agninum - A very attractive foliage plant, forming tight mats of dull-green, roughened, green-dotted, rhomboidal leaves. Light yellow flowers, but seldom flowers. Very hardy.  South Africa 1.5” x 5”  Sun, Xeric  $code A*  (Photo)

S. mustillinum - A very hardy South African succulent forming mats of tightly spaced gray-green leaves roughened with many minute dots. Attractive yellow flowers with many narrow petals open in late afternoon. One of the easiest of the South Africans to grow in cold climates. 1” x 6”  Sun, Xeric  $code A  (Photo)


TALINUM- (Portulacaceae) Another Lewisia relative with fleshy cylindrical leaves growing from a thick stem or root stalk. The bright white, pink or magenta flowers with golden stamens open in the afternoon and can be caespitose or carried on tall thin stems. All will thrive in poor, sandy soil in full sun.
T. brevifolium - Compact clumps of sausage-shaped, opalescent leaves covered with large bright pink flowers in summer. One of the best!  Utah  1” x 4”  Sun  $code A (Photo)


TEUCRIUM - (Lamaceae)  A large group of herbs, shrubs and sub shrubs of wide distribution, especially in the Mediterranean region.  Most have attractive, aromatic foliage, attractive flowers and are generally quite drought tolerant. 
T. aroanium - Mats of attractive, silver foliage and large soft lavender flowers.  This is the true species and much different from the plant that is commonly in the trade.  Greece  2" x 12"  $code A* (Photo)

TOWNSENDIA- (Asteraceae) These condensed asters are often called “Easter Daisies” because they flower so early in the spring. Most have large caespitose flowers of white, pink or lavender and form mounds of linear leaves from green to silver. Most require a well drained soil in full sun. No garden should be without a good selection of these wonderful plants.

T. ‘Jeane’s Purple’ - An exceptional plant with dark gray-green foliage and nice purple flowers.  Excellent trough plant.  1” x 2”  Sun, Part Shade, Trough  $code A  (Photo)
T. rothrockii - RENEW A very adaptable alpine species, forming mats of dark green leaves covered with 1" light lavender daisies in earliest spring.  2” x 6”  Sun, Alpine  $code A  (Photo)

T. minima - NEW - An outstanding dwarf species growing in sparse Pinon/Juniper habitat in Eastern Utah. Small clumps of tomentose, gray-green foliage adorned with numerous pure white flowers.   Grand Co., Utah  2" x 2"  Sun  $code A* (Photo)

VERBASCUM – (Scrophulariaceae)  A large group of herbs native to Asia and Europe, primarily the Mediterranean.  Most are large summer flowering plants that provide excellent vertical  accents in gardens large enough to accommodate them.
V. bombyciferum - The most spectacular of the large Verbascums, forming large, light gray, woolly rosettes and tall woolly flowering spikes of yellow flowers. Very drought tolerant. 10”(48”) x 20”  Sun, Xeric  $code A (Photo)

VERONICA - (Scrophulariaceae) There are many forms of ‘speedwell’ from small mat- formers to larger more erect plants that bear flowers on tall stems. Most are easy to grow and thrive in sunny settings where only the hardiest will grow.
V. liwanensis (Turkish Veronica) - Mats of small, glossy green leaves covered in spring with clusters of showy blue flowers. One of the best ground covering plants available!  A Plant Select® Introduction in 1997.  1” x 12”  Sun, Part Shade  $code A  (Photo)
V. oltensis - Another great miniature Veronica from the high mountains of Turkey. The creeping mats of dark-green, pinnate leaves are covered with azure-blue flowers in spring. Relatively slow growing, this plant works well in crevices in the xeric garden.  .5” x 12”  Sun, Xeric  $code A (Photo)

YUCCA - (Liliaceae)  Yuccas are one of the signature plants in the western xeriscape garden.  Succulent and evergreen, they provide a strong sculptural accent throughout the seasons with striking foliage and magnificent flowers.  There are many species, varying in size from 10' giants to cute 8" miniatures.  A surprising number are quite cold hardy.
Y. harrimaniae 'San Luis' - This attractive small yucca was found growing at 8000' near San Luis, Colorado.  The numerous, narrow light green leaves are generously decorated with white hairs that curl away from the edge of the leaf.  Very cute and very hardy.  6"(12") x 6"  Sun, Xeric  $code A* (Photo)